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  • Writer's pictureThe B Word

That Awkward Word, C O N F I D E N C E!

I feel like different women view their confidence in different ways, right? Some examples being how many guys think your "hot" or how many likes you get on a photo or how skinny you are literally the list goes on and on! Don't get me wrong I've been there and felt the same exact way BUT thats not confidence that's insecurity. Confidence starts {within} you. I've done so much self-love and self-development the past I could probably publish a book! Just kidding, but seriously! We have to start loving ourselves and start being that confident ass woman that we were all put on this earth to be! STOP COMPARING YOURSELF. Like I said before social media is the biggest highlight reel I've ever seen in my life. We're so quick to post all the cool shit that happens in life but always seem to hold back the real and raw various of ourselves. Why? Because we aren't confident enough in our own skin. Guess what, all those girls you compare yourself to go through hardships and real life stuff. Just because they don't show it doesn't mean they aren't just like you! That boy who knocked your confidence down because he said you weren't pretty enough or lied/cheated can go kick rocks! Ain't no man ever going to define you and your confidence because you are nothing short of amazing, beautiful, and oh so worthy. So It's time that we start picking ourselves up, brushing ourselves off, and being the most confident + fearless women that we can possible be.


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